Glow-in-the-Dark Feature - Penjamin Writing Pen Battery

  1. Overview
  2. Product Support
  3. Writing Pen Battery
  4. Glow-in-the-Dark Feature - Penjamin Writing Pen Battery

How the Glow Feature Works

  • The glow-in-the-dark functionality is built into the body of the pen.

  • It absorbs light and emits a soft glow in dark environments.

  • The duration and intensity of the glow depend on the exposure to light.

Activating the Glow Feature

  1. Charge the Glow Material:

    • Place the pen under direct light (sunlight, LED, or fluorescent) for 30-60 seconds.

    • The longer the exposure, the stronger and longer-lasting the glow.

  2. Test in Darkness:

    • Move to a dim or dark area to see the effect.

    • The glow will gradually fade but can be recharged by light exposure.

Maximizing Glow Intensity

  • Use Bright Light Sources: Direct sunlight or LED lights work best.

  • Increase Exposure Time: The longer the pen is exposed to light, the better it will glow.

  • Avoid Obstructions: Ensure no objects block the light from reaching the pen’s surface.

Common Issues & Fixes

  • Not Glowing? Ensure it has been exposed to a strong light source for at least a minute.

  • Fading Too Quickly? Recharge it under bright light for a longer period.

  • Uneven Glow? Rotate the pen while exposing it to light for even coverage.

The glow-in-the-dark feature enhances convenience, especially in low-light settings. For further assistance, contact


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